
Build a meaningful legacy!

God has given us access to His bountiful resources. We get to joyfully share His wealth by stewarding His gifts to us. Here are four ways to build a meaningful legacy with Schools For Africa:

  1. Build a school or healthcare clinic in your family name! Buildings start at around $15,000. Email us for more info!
  2. Retirement accounts (IRAs) – Your required minimum distributions (RMDs) can be sent directly to SFA and you avoid the taxes! This is a great way to avoid taxes and help further God's kingdom in Nigeria. 
  3. Include Schools For Africa in your will.
  4. Stocks or property can be donated to SFA. Avoid capital gains taxes and get a healthy tax credit!  

Contact FM Financial for resources, tips, and tools. FM Financial provides professional guidance and investment management from a biblical perspective to help you clarify your life priorities and build a meaningful legacy. Email Arnie Brann at Free Methodist Financials, with any questions you might have!